Manta Identification Project
The manta identification project started in 1991 by Keller Laros, founder of Manta Pacific Research Foundation. Each manta ray has a unique spot pattern on its ventral side. These spot patterns can be used to accurately identify individuals. The first manta ray ever identified was Lefty. She has a broken left cepahlic fin so she is easy to differiente from the others, but Lefty also has a spot pattern on her abdomen that is unique to her. Manta Pacfic Research Foundation maintains an ID Catalog of mantas in Kona and Hawaii.
Step 1. Send manta identification images to mprfmantaid@listserv.mantapacific.org.
Step 2. We will help you identify which manta it is, and if it is a new one, you can name it!
Questions, please email info@mantapacific.org.
By sending your images to us, you agree to the following terms:
By submitting this Image, I hereby certify that I am the legal owner/creator of the image(s) submitted in this form (“Image”), and am granting Manta Pacific Research Foundation(MPRF) the irrevocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable and non-assignable license to use, display, or publish the Image in any commercial, personal, non-profit or editorial projects involving advertising, print media, web site publication, or broadcast as chosen by Manta Pacific Research Foundation. This license is unlimited in time and does not expire.
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